What are the main uses of ceramic coatings

(1) It has extremely high mechanical strength and stiffness

Ceramic wear-resistant coating is mainly composed of wear-resistant aggregate and bonding system. It has very high density, no large macro defects, and the strength can reach 130Mpa, which is unmatched by ordinary concrete and refractory castables. It mainly adopts ionic compounds and some synthetic covalent compounds, and its ionic bond is firm, so it has great strength and stiffness, It can effectively resist the impact force and shear stress of materials. The combination system has high strength due to the chemical combination formed by compound strengthening measures and special treatment.

(2) It has excellent toughness and earthquake resistance

Because the ceramic wear-resistant material adopts non directional rigid fiber and directional mesh reinforcement measures to further improve the toughness through coupling, it has strong fracture toughness and can effectively prevent damage and spalling caused by impact force. On the other hand, because the ionic bond and its covalent bond are strong binding bonds, the bond energy is relatively high, the low temperature has little effect on it, and its vibration frequency is very high, so it is difficult to pose a threat to it at room temperature and will not produce thermal shock damage.

(3) Good integrity

Because the wear-resistant ceramic coating adopts double reinforcement measures, some even take a variety of reinforcement measures to effectively improve the material properties. Moreover, the low expansion coefficient of ceramic materials makes its volume stable and it is impossible to produce cracks, so it has good integrity. In addition, the construction is integral construction without joints, so the integrity is further improved.

(4) Good environmental compatibility

Due to the use of acid and alkali resistant synthetic raw materials, it will not react with slag. At the same time, because this material is mostly high-temperature synthetic raw materials, with good crystal development and complete structure, and the ambient temperature will not have a great impact on it, it is an environmental inert material, so it has poor sensitivity to the environment.

(5) No environmental pollution

Wear resistant ceramic coating is an inorganic non-metallic material, mainly composed of silicate, which is similar to the composition of the earth's lithosphere. It will not cause soil deterioration and heavy metal ion pollution, and will not affect the ecological environment. It is a green and environment-friendly product.



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